Articulated Writing Workshop

Articulated Writing Workshop came out of my experiences as both a teacher and a student — I remember the stress put on writing, and especially on writing the perfect college essay. You were being asked to magically distill yourself down into a thoughtful, impactful, ~enlightened~ 250 to 650 words.

What I didn’t realize about writing when I was a student was that being able to write in my own voice would be one of the most valuable and gratifying skills I would ever develop. No matter what line of work a person might pursue, to be able to express yourself clearly, succinctly and with conviction has proved invaluable in all environments and relationships.

I am so grateful to the teachers and experiences that have allowed me to learn and then share the skill of sounding like myself on the page. There are few things more fun and more rewarding than working with folks to develop their own toolkit for self expression.

Through our work together, you will develop a better sense of your particular voice and how you want to share it (and I promise, those pesky college essays or anything else will be written in no time.) I can’t wait to meet you — both in person, and on the page!